Monday, February 24, 2025

Rain, then Blow-dry - # 14 DENALANE.BLOGSPOT.COM

It should be Sun, Rain, then Blow-dry... or maybe just "Spring".

18 February, 2025

Had to stop the car, get out and verify that these were not plastic... first the Robins and now this, next up we will be changing the clocks (hopefully for the last time ever). I also can report a bumble bee fly by.

Again, not much to discuss here on Dena Lane this week, I got updated on the burn piles... been stacked here 2 years as a US Forest Service project that ran out of funding (and manpower) to complete the job... Port Orford Rural Fire Protection District: Gary Anderson and Mari Lochhaas (541) 332-3681.

Did some research on RV parks, RV's, and washing clothes.  

Only 2 billion out of the worlds 7 billion people on earth have access to washing machines of some/any type (including a laundromat), leaving approximately 5 billion individuals, or 70% of the worlds population to wash their clothes by hand in a sink, River, or ?

Most Boats and RVs over 40 foot long have (or could have) an all-in-one or stackable washer-dryer on board... according to RVIA in 2025, only two 29 foot and under class C manufacturers, offer washer/dryers, but, at 32 foot+, almost all trailers and fifth wheels offer washer dryer options, and, pretty much every builder of class A's over 38-50 foot "have" an on board W/D installed... RV World, FMCA, and Good Sam report that 60 % of accredited RV parks of 'any" size (10-200 units) have on-site coin-op full size washer/dryer facilities. No figures were found on Shower/Wash rooms.

For whoever asked... here is the link to the Airbnb at the end of Dena Lane, reportedly @ $120-160 per night...

Brookings to Bandon ... today, "quickly"  just recorded a 47 MPH gust .

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Nothing Burger Week - # 13 DENALANE.BLOGSPOT.COM


                It was so slow and quiet here this week, that I hesitate to post anything...   so, I wont ! 


                             We have pills !! the closure of our pharmacy was averted (for awhile)                                                                                    

Monday, February 10, 2025



Finally, all of the drama is gone for a while, even the Pharmacy is hanging around on a reprieve, if we live through Valentine's Day (without forgetting it) we may be good until Easter.

Being a small, clean, quiet cul de sac 12-space RV park specializing only in long-term rental spaces without having overnight, daily, or weekly rentals available with free water, 50 amp electric, and internet, a bathhouse and laundry facilities ... yes, I said "laundry facilities"... our owner is moving forward on the coin-op laundry room project, it will not be a fast install, so buckle down, but, it "is" going to happen.

Other in-house issues are, obviously we have canned (pun intended) the recycling idea ... the unsightly area has been removed, the mice found other homes, the broken glass, 45 (count them) wine bottles, and blowing around plastic bottles (over the bank and in the lake) have all disappeared to the dumpster.   Without a volunteer to police the area and transport to the dump, and since our refuse truck does not support recycle (like in Portland, Seattle), it's over.

In preparation for adding in the additional greywater load of laundry/shower services and the bacteria-killing Phosphate load, we took a look around at our septage vault and clean-outs ... "not" impressive .... so, I will offer a comment on toilet paper. 

The absolute biggest disaster to a community of septic system users like us, is a system failure ... once the little microbial coliform guys are dead, suffocated, or over fed, we may not be able to recover the system within our economic ability.   

Without insulting anyone's worldliness or knowledge about of RV/tiny house/boat living, anything going into the grey or black water system that is not from a body function needs to "self"-destruct via bio-degrade.

From the "Alternative Living 101" class we all learned that "ONLY" single-ply bathroom tissue certified as "septic-safe", and NOT advertised as "ultra-soft" or "extra-absorbent" belongs in the toilet, and less is better.   Paper towels, wipes of any type, toilet bowl chemicals and cleaners, bleach or pail water, food scraps, anti-bacterial anything, hair dye, paint, medications, vacuum cleaner or ash tray remnants, and plastic anything ...  does not belong in the toilet.. but, you "Knew" that. 

Does anyone have an ID on that 4 propeller non-cargo aircraft that flew over low yesterday (Sunday) around 1330 headed SE, painted Army green ?    P3 Orion ?  

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Wholly about holes - #11 DENALANE.BLOGSPOT.COM


We have all seen the ads ... music by "the two-tones", or blankets by "Beverly", tacos by Ortega, or some-such... here at PPRV we have ... potholes by "Nichole" !  who has single handedly taken on the pothole project and then put herself out of work by having no potholes to repair.. job obsolescence, our shock absorbers and fillings thank you ! Nichole, 

An FYI about potholes, without going into depth (pun intended),  there are legal aspects to maintaining road conditions for public access that involve safety, control, and damage (which is the impetus to fill the buggers in).  thank you Nichole.        (links wholesome, holistic, holy, whole, hoal, hola'). 

We took some action against speeders using Michels orange traffic pylon and mounting three 10 mph signs into the driveway, the potholes played in here too, but watching a swerving 25 mph truck, was worse than just watching a straight lined 25 mph truck.

This weeks new concerns came up as "what's with the dangerous plastic covered slash/brush piles ? " how are they removing the fire hazard by being bon-fire staged...?  I dunno, but, I will look into it at BLM Forest Service and report back.

For those into the washer-dryer idea... I estimated the parts and labor needed to install the "donated" (by Rose) units into the office building, breaker, receptacle, vent, drain, floor prep and grooming, hot/cold water hookup parts and labor come out at around a $2,000.00 project investment by the owner.   I "did" pass that info on to him two weeks ago for consideration.

We are very fortunate (as in extremely fortunate) that our infra structure here is modern, clean, up to date, and working flawlessly  (water, wifi, electric, sewer)... the most overlooked yet most devastating of failures or problems arise from septage malfunction.    which is next weeks topic.

Rainiest-coldest month of the year (February), Robins are out, think Spring !

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