Monday, December 30, 2024



The slow week between holidays, (today is the 30th) with our back-to-back wind storms that have us all hibernating... not much to discuss this week, but some thoughts on your TV set to ponder:

The Internet connection to your RV/Boat devices,

Shortly after Y2K, the smartphone moved into everyone's life, from a camel, canoe, car, cottage, cabin, or Commercial flight you could call home, watch a movie, text, email, listen to music, or play video games, all you needed was a WiFi signal.

These smartphone mini-computers with their tiny 2-inch screens are everywhere, and in abundance, they have taken over internet communication, and made everything "mobile", 25 years later we can come out of our bunkers, look around, and survey the damage... combined with insane and constant postage cost increases, and the trending to RV, Tiny Home, Boat full-time living, and minimizing our habitation space, and the consumables needed to build them, love it-hate it, we are into a new everything world for 2025.

Landline telephones, CDs, Ink-on-paper tapes/photography film all have obsoleted themselves... books, libraries, newspapers, magazines, junk mail, flyers, printed ledgers, our monthly bills,  (and more) have all become insulting, outdated, and disgusting... digital cameras and film, Desktop, Nettop monitors/speakers/CPU's, CD players, paper-based operations (of any type) are also gone, everything has fully moved to digital, the cloud, Mp3, earbuds, thumb drives, and ... "smart phones".  As of this writing, Laptops are still being made, but...

For the consumer, this miniaturization, and mobility were welcomed, put it in your pocket, purse, or vehicle dash... but, for those of us who "present" stuff, not so much.  

The speed dial, brevity-world of "busy".... has dumbed down the public (en masse)', the de-personalization of avoiding human-to-human voice interface in favor of texting, then enhanced the rise of Social Media (aplenty), and those of us (presenters) who track analytics of visitors and time-on-page for our web pages, presentations, and online publishing/sharing have been sent scrambling, looking for work-arounds, or has driven us to quit.

Reader "comprehension" has fallen so far down the scale, we cannot even record a score, it is gone ! ... speed reading/skim reading and "moving on" from anything more than a 50-word paragraph has made page views, and time on page data insulting (which is why Tweet sized articles are read, where a full paragraph is not.

Out of alarm, many have tried to move to podcasting, multiple tweets, or TikTok, as I review the analytics on my own websites, visitation is down over 50% since Y2K, time on site has dropped further than that, with most page reads being cut off at the 30% point (skimmed)... what is truly alarming is the degradation of comprehension and the lacking after-knowledge of what was just skimmed.

The search analyses also show the reader device use/type, and confirm that over 83 % of my readers accessed my web pages via a smartphone, (yet, none of my pages have ever been coded to be flexi-viewed) for tablet or smartphones, that is by intention, not lack of coding prowess.   After a five or so year period of disuse, most bulky desktop monitors went to the trash heap, tablets passed up laptop sales, and the smartphone has quadrupled in sales.

Aboard our boat and RV, we too battled for counter/desk space, so, I began to use my drop-down 42" Roku Smart TV as a monitor for my laptop, then, it occurred to me that this would also work on my cell phone or tablet viewing as well for our presentations.

Irregardless of what brand your Smart TV that you have, or whether it is an iPhone or Android, there are always a few methods to easily mirror, cast, or view your laptop/smartphone/tablet content onto your TV for full-page viewing...  as a presenter,  You can easily make that work for all of a smartphones outputs (including , there are ways to make any OS work (Linux, Chrome, Microsoft, or Macintosh).

Here is roughly how:  Of course, you firstly need to connect your Smart TV to the internet, via a Wi-Fi network (like ParadisePointRV), then go to your TV's app menu and select some sort of streaming access like "Web Browser" or "Internet" app (there are many different terms used ie; disply/casting/dual view/mirror/etc.) if you have an older TV you may need to download a dedicated browser app from the TV manufacturers online support page, or from your smart TV app store, if it's not available by default.  (all of these are hard to find, but free). 

There is also usually always a way to Plug-in by cable mechanically, and for the digitally-challenged that may be the simplest/easiest method, this week (before the turn of the year), we hope to (decent weather please !) stabilize our WiFi signals... so, next week we will talk more about "big screen" viewing.

If you have not shared your email/text info please do so, Peter & an'ya (Space 3) text 541-366-8001  Happy New Year !

Monday, December 23, 2024


There are many questions we all share about life... the most common are:   Is that lump under the new carpet really Billies lost hamster ?  Is kohlrabi better for your health than Rutabaga ? and, How does WiFi work ? 


Here is a partial answer.. We all use cell phones, watch TV, listen to the radio, and have a tablet or laptop to surf the web and support Amazon with.    All use those invisible radio waves that no one can see... spy and action movies showed us how smoke exposes invisible laser beams in security systems, we mentally associate electricity with wires, and, almost everyone has made a fool out of themselves trying to align a roof top tv antenna or a set of rabbit ears to catch something we cannot see, or, at least, have walked around phone pointing in the air... looking for a signal... embarrassing isn't it?

If you have been around this RV Park/Harbor/Neighborhood RV Wifi stuff at all, you know they mostly advertise "Free Internet" in name only, and ours here was not much better, the Park owner wanted it investigated and fixed ! ... so last week, you saw me looking for our Dena Lane WiFi outside of your rig, and all around the Park, it has leaked out, disappeared, evaporated?  maybe got spilled, or is simply not there at all... which led me to question how do you catch something you can't see ?  much less fix it ?

All of these radio waves that are bombarding us are of no concern (since we cannot see them), but, we rely on them for our microwave, Doctors Xray, on our boats radar, and for all sorts of telecommunications, only when they do not show up for work, do we miss them, like for the TV at night.

On top of our office building is a white coffee can sized "radio" it gets our Internet signal from an optic cable (which is a deeply guarded secret involving trolls, dragons and other mysterious things), the further you get away from the radio the harder it is to hear it, so we put a microphone in the yard to hear the "big" radio with,attached to "another" radio to play what we hear... again.... as you get further away from radio #2, you again cannot hear too good, so you add in another microphone and radio, in our case we have six radios rebroadcasting whatever the "big" radio says... "that",  is our "ParadisePointRV internet.  

Our microphones were too far away from the "big" radio to hear well, so, we are adding in more microphones and radios, and creating a daisy-chain of repeating whatever the big radio says so we can all hear.   This is tricky, because when you walk behind an aluminum/fiberglass RV it blocks or redirects the sound, in short, we are trying to do the drive-in movie trick for each space having its own speaker (radio), simple, huh?

We have ordered some equipment, and will be on the repair over the next few weeks, so bear with us.


For some nostalgia, take this 3 video tour...


Have a safe holiday !

Sunday, December 15, 2024

And for this week ... # 5 DENALANE.BLOGSPOT.COM

BIG  posting !                          

What started off as a quiet week, turned silly with UFO/UAP drone sightings, and a Friday bomb-cyclone predicted threat of rain.... here is more about our unique climate and Tsunami "why", and a devastating review of Port Orford, plus a Sunday questionnaire for you to respond to ..... Brian in #2 pulled out, and Andrew & Katie (and friends) moved in, to #7.     Remember, tomorrow the 16th we have a WiFi interruption day planned... (that "may" stretch into Tuesday !).

I began to assemble a contact list for us twelve (actually 10 right now), and need to know if you want to share with the rest of the inmates your information ... phone # and email or text #. let me know at space 3.   text to (only) 541-366-8001

The question of the week is: Do you need/want access to the shower room/toilet facility?  it has historically been locked, and user self-cleaning would be a enforced condition for its ever going public (to us 12 only), it is lockable from inside, there "is" a heater, but it would require a preheat for winter use, there are other things (issues and problems) to consider, but think on it, and offer up your opinion.

The big weather threat was:   and, you see what Ma and Pa nature gave us on Friday instead... kite weather.  On Saturday I worked outside most of the 55 degree sunny (sorta') day, and Sunday was an Oregon rain-day...nothing more.

The worst possible review... we will become like Medford, Eugene in rapid pace with articles like this link:


Not to be outdone by New Jersey, we had our own Southern Oregon Coast UFO/UAP/Drone sightings....

(NewsNation) — An alleged recording shows that two pilots who saw a UFO/UAP in the skies near Eugene, Oregon, were told to maneuver around the object.

The recording was posted to Reddit and Newsweek reported the metadata on the file and information in the recording matches flight records. The archived recording came from and time stamps and airport codes lined up with flight records.

When asked about the validity of the recording, the FAA told the outlet that a pilot did report seeing unidentified lights on Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024.

KGW8 TV is reporting at least four reports over Oregon.  Some researchers claim the lights are flares from Starlink Satellites, but based on the reports, the behavior of these lights don't match that.  One pilot flying a Life Flight aircraft, reported a bright light coming toward his aircraft, then it reversed course out towards the Pacific Ocean:

“Red in color — moving at extreme speeds. I don’t even know how to describe how fast it was moving,” the pilot told air traffic control. (KGW8)

Last Sunday, a United Airlines Pilot reported seeing lights over the Eugene area:

“We’re seeing three or four targets. They’re all altitudes. Up and down. It’s pretty crazy,” the pilot told air traffic controllers, who confirmed there was no military activity in the area.   A Life Flight pilot reported one of the lights was going in circles in a “corkscrew pattern” and showed up on his aircraft’s collision avoidance system." (KGW8)

According to audio clips posted online, that pilot was given approval to change altitude and deviate to avoid the "UFO."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx       the opinion you didn't ask for.  

Some years ago in exploring Christmas decoration ideas for our boat, one of the many designs that we passed through was laser hologram generation, using the marine layer as a reflective "viewing screen" do not see the connecting "beams", only what hits the screen (as dots of light), the ability to generate 1 or 50 dots, of mixed color (if desired), and animate them, beyond closely resembling the activity shown over New Jersey (and elsewhere)... they can move swiftly (like you shining a flashlight on the ceiling, or playing with your cats laser toy....  the marine layer is over New Jersey (like here) is not always visible or looking like fog... it is a moisture layer... ideal for hologram picture use like the Dubai and Sao Paulo displays  ...

And for more science than you  can stand...

"For almost two decades the Department of Defense and NASA coordinated on a black book project under the codename FIRESIGN.    FIRESIGN’s original aim was to create a religious "awe effect" over an enemy population to create an instant psychological soft-kill (abject submission) effect like we did later in the Baghdad invasion.  The Special Operations employees and directors of these Unacknowledged Programs have spent their careers working underground with exotic technologies, such as with ARVs, aka "Alien Reproduction Vehicles", in what are are commonly called "DUMBs", or "Deep Underground Military Bases", and in hidden "STIFs" or "Sub-Terrainean Facilities".                Supposedly ... these people will be coming forward within the next 30 days for a public announcement and comment.  (before inauguration day ?).


Another comment about our south of Cape Blanco north of Cape Mendocino weather and Tsunami (peculiarities), especially now, after the tsunami alert.... more being all about  bathysphere, hydrodynamics, oceanography, seismology, and how the tectonics of our area play into our banana belt weather niche.    We keep mentioning the "outsey" land masses of these two capes (Blanco and Mendocino) , and how they cause our ocean currents and wind to do divert into a different dance, but there is also the under-sea "shelf" and under water landscape influences to blame for Earthquake Tsunami...  If you go to Battle Rock and just walk into the ocean towards Japan, the bottom is flat, and you just slowly keep getting deeper and deeper, 12 miles offshore you are 200 some feet under water... and on the edge of a straight down drop to 3,000-3,500 feet !   that "edge" is the end of our Oregon land mass (the continental shelf).  

3,500 feet down below, (the dark blue area on the map) is the problem area for earthquakes,,,,, at Cape Mendocino a deep fault goes from shore towards Japan, North of that fault line, and down deep below the continental shelf dropoff, and to the left of the Sixes River is the angled Blanco fault, the area is like a broken dinner plate glued back together, at the "G" area (off our coast) is the shaker... as it tries to crawl inland and under the continental shelf this area is like a loose tooth, and we should really hope it doesn't just fall out.

Earthquakes and Tsunami aside, that deep, close to shore (10-12 mile) shelf edge up wells food from the ocean bottom for crab and fish, and because of the currents, it makes us ideal for "close-in" catch of product, but also changes the water temperature that helps impact our weather.


Monday, December 9, 2024

Quake week... - # 4 DENALANE.BLOGSPOT.COM

Well, of course this weeks news would have to be about the tsunami alert...

The chicken Little responses apply here, far too many times are we told to 'go ahead...schedule that family reunion picnic", the weather will be "great", or, "NO !  do not plan on painting the house this weekend... it is going to rain", Tornado alerts and not a drop of rain, plywooding up for the hurricane that turned to sunshine, the mirror flat ocean under a gale warning, the tsunami alert that never arrives...we become hardened to false  alarms, even laugh at  the incompetent "the sky is falling" experts.

(excerpted from a very large Substack article in progress)
As our technology has advanced, our monitoring, understanding and advanced warning for all those "disaster" things, has developed the alert system to make it nearly impossible for you "not" to know of the alert and its danger.  Over at our place the TV, three computers, and two cell phones all alarming, were like walking into a clock shop at 12 noon.

Later, the non-stop firehall siren filled in audibly for anyone who has no cell phone, we watched the fire trucks and lots of heavy equipment move out of downtown to higher ground, and there was a noticeably "heavier" traffic flow through town, but, even though almost all of Port Orford is at only around 40-45 foot elevation, not much concern was seen. 

Here at Dena Lane our driveway is 41 feet above sea level, but, we have a low lying pair of swales between us and Arizona or 101 (that will fill to impassable at around the 25 foot water mark, the flotsam debris washing through the trees from the root washed uprooted trees will be lethal, do the math, we usually have a 20-30 minute warning envelope for close-in local quakes before their tidal surge hit-time.

If you have not watched the aerial views of the molasses like 2011 Japanese tsunami as it came ashore and spread over Sendai, Japan the over-the-breakwater surge was 35-45 foot high, and extended inland 6 miles after 2 hours time, no way to explain the process... you have to watch it evolve 'live", as it consumes unsuspecting freeway traffic, joggers, buildings, and homes to "know" what Tsunami really is.   

Here are two, but, they need to be monitor screen viewed (not 2" cell phone) ...  and


WIFI ALERT !  Sorry for the inconvenience, but, on Monday December 16th, the WiFi will be down from 0900 to (hopefully) 5PM for maintenance, so please plan ahead.              Which brings up another topic... communications, always trying to avoid verbal orders or comments... it would be adviseable for us all to have a contact method of email or text for the 12, consider it please.


We are supposed to have a new arrival at space 9 today, you are encouraged to join the meet-greet, and lend assistance.

This blog is no longer email "alerted" as being updated, it posts every Monday, you have the link.

You can contact us by email at or text by 541-366-8001 (sorry, we are phone-averse).  

Sunday, December 1, 2024

New Years is coming ! - #3 DENALANE.BLOGSPOT.COM

If you survived the mid-week feast day, you can now set your sights onto whatever the next holiday is (for you), these many different ethnic and religious year-end celebrations are what created the generic "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" non insulting years-end era greeting.     


Depending on how your RV home is set up (with/without propane), our need for heat, and the excess cooking/baking, makes this a high electric use season (like sometimes we get with air conditioning) ... fortunately we almost never get too cold or hot on the coast, but if you are on electric only... watch your ammeter as you run all the mixers, crockpot, toaster, oven, burners, blenders, microwave, heaters, dehumidifier, computer stuff, and overloaded ... the ampacity levels can become scary, and even dangerous, circuit breakers do not always "work", and can become weak/lazy or even"stuck" from corrosion.

This weeks three Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday 37-38 degree overnights were an early warning of freakish below 32 degree nights coming, or even that one-off nasty 25-28 degree arctic blast.   Then on Thursday  Thanksgiving morning ... 30 degrees !  Friday morning 31 degrees ! Saturday and Sunday both had AM 30 degrees again, an ice scraper, and warm up the car morning greetings !  but, the warm 50 degree days break the chain... when the sun disappears and the high is only in the 30's, the ground (and your rig) cold soaks, and some surprises could be in store... either simply "no" water,  or worse yet broken frozen water components.

From what I understand, the Port Orford water system is, lets call it "old-age taxed", so, the usual let the faucet trickle trick may not be a good use of treated drinking water, us white-hose people need to be sure our entire ground to RV exposed stuff is protected (including your entry point area inside the RV.   Pretty simple really, for the once-twice times a year event, just wrap and cover it all with an old bath towel, blanket, or ? (it needs to stay warm too)  when it gets cold you put on a sweater, your pipes and hoses need the same.    Inside, wherever your water inlet penetration is let it be exposed to room heat... open the cabinet, remove the drawer, replacing outdoor piping is easy, but, inside your rig...not so much.   anyway plan ahead, be ready for those one ...two nights a year.

More about explaining our Cape Blanco to Punta Gorda weather and sea... The Coriolis force, which is the result of the Earth's rotation, (our spinning along here at 730 miles an hour --Anchorage is at 450 MPH, the equator at 1,000 MPH) west to east, is what us non-science folks think of as centrifugal force.  It affects both our wind and water in general, and adds to the Davidson current and our California current that we mentioned last week... 

Looking at that picture of the bomb cyclone tells it all...   our Southern Oregon coast sees the Coriolis make things in/on our surface of the earth move to the east, and spiral in a counter-clockwise direction (water down your sink drain, bomb cyclones), it really gives us some goofy (hard to forecast) weather and ocean conditions.

T-day was a beautiful day ... in all ways, we hope yours was too, a week of sun is coming.

The park owner is now in touch about the Internet issue, so things are moving in the right direction... I am no longer email/texting (the 12) when Monday's posting is up online... you know it's here, you have the URL.