The slow week between holidays, (today is the 30th) with our back-to-back wind storms that have us all hibernating... not much to discuss this week, but some thoughts on your TV set to ponder:
The Internet connection to your RV/Boat devices,
Shortly after Y2K, the smartphone moved into everyone's life, from a camel, canoe, car, cottage, cabin, or Commercial flight you could call home, watch a movie, text, email, listen to music, or play video games, all you needed was a WiFi signal.
These smartphone mini-computers with their tiny 2-inch screens are everywhere, and in abundance, they have taken over internet communication, and made everything "mobile", 25 years later we can come out of our bunkers, look around, and survey the damage... combined with insane and constant postage cost increases, and the trending to RV, Tiny Home, Boat full-time living, and minimizing our habitation space, and the consumables needed to build them, love it-hate it, we are into a new everything world for 2025.
Landline telephones, CDs, Ink-on-paper tapes/photography film all have obsoleted themselves... books, libraries, newspapers, magazines, junk mail, flyers, printed ledgers, our monthly bills, (and more) have all become insulting, outdated, and disgusting... digital cameras and film, Desktop, Nettop monitors/speakers/CPU's, CD players, paper-based operations (of any type) are also gone, everything has fully moved to digital, the cloud, Mp3, earbuds, thumb drives, and ... "smart phones". As of this writing, Laptops are still being made, but...
For the consumer, this miniaturization, and mobility were welcomed, put it in your pocket, purse, or vehicle dash... but, for those of us who "present" stuff, not so much.
The speed dial, brevity-world of "busy".... has dumbed down the public (en masse)', the de-personalization of avoiding human-to-human voice interface in favor of texting, then enhanced the rise of Social Media (aplenty), and those of us (presenters) who track analytics of visitors and time-on-page for our web pages, presentations, and online publishing/sharing have been sent scrambling, looking for work-arounds, or has driven us to quit.
Reader "comprehension" has fallen so far down the scale, we cannot even record a score, it is gone ! ... speed reading/skim reading and "moving on" from anything more than a 50-word paragraph has made page views, and time on page data insulting (which is why Tweet sized articles are read, where a full paragraph is not.
Out of alarm, many have tried to move to podcasting, multiple tweets, or TikTok, as I review the analytics on my own websites, visitation is down over 50% since Y2K, time on site has dropped further than that, with most page reads being cut off at the 30% point (skimmed)... what is truly alarming is the degradation of comprehension and the lacking after-knowledge of what was just skimmed.
The search analyses also show the reader device use/type, and confirm that over 83 % of my readers accessed my web pages via a smartphone, (yet, none of my pages have ever been coded to be flexi-viewed) for tablet or smartphones, that is by intention, not lack of coding prowess. After a five or so year period of disuse, most bulky desktop monitors went to the trash heap, tablets passed up laptop sales, and the smartphone has quadrupled in sales.
Aboard our boat and RV, we too battled for counter/desk space, so, I began to use my drop-down 42" Roku Smart TV as a monitor for my laptop, then, it occurred to me that this would also work on my cell phone or tablet viewing as well for our presentations.
Irregardless of what brand your Smart TV that you have, or whether it is an iPhone or Android, there are always a few methods to easily mirror, cast, or view your laptop/smartphone/tablet content onto your TV for full-page viewing... as a presenter, You can easily make that work for all of a smartphones outputs (including , there are ways to make any OS work (Linux, Chrome, Microsoft, or Macintosh).
Here is roughly how: Of course, you firstly need to connect your Smart TV to the internet, via a Wi-Fi network (like ParadisePointRV), then go to your TV's app menu and select some sort of streaming access like "Web Browser" or "Internet" app (there are many different terms used ie; disply/casting/dual view/mirror/etc.) if you have an older TV you may need to download a dedicated browser app from the TV manufacturers online support page, or from your smart TV app store, if it's not available by default. (all of these are hard to find, but free).
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